
Virtual Pride Panel - Reflections on Coming Out as Trans

Q. What is something you wish you knew before coming out?

A. That I didn’t have to go the binary route when I realized that I was not a woman.

Umm I do, I do enjoy like existing outside of the binary and sometimes that means I do exist and like maybe like a little toe maybe my biggest toe just for a sec but we retreat and we do something else. Now it’s kinda created this person who exists and gets to learn themselves every day and I kind of say this little bit before but I kind of wake up in the morning and I'm like I don't necessarily wanna be a woman, a man or anything in between I kinda just wanna wear, I kinda just wanna exist, I kinda just wanna breathe and that has been really, really, rewarding for me.


Virtual Pride Panel - A message for parents and caregivers


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